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Jesus is Risen: A Complete Introduction to Death and Resurrection in the Old and New Testament

CP 216MP3

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  • CD:Physical disc mailed after purchase (audio only)
  • MP3:Digital file that can be downloaded immediately after purchase (audio only)
  • DVD:Physical disc mailed after purchase (Standard Definition video [DVD player needed, though most Blu-ray players play DVD's as well])
  • Blu-ray:Physical disc mailed after purchase (High Definition video [Blu-ray player needed] )
  • Digital Video:Digital file that can be downloaded or streamed immediately after purchase (video)

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Deacon Tom Thomas
Ignatius Bible

Excellent material and I enjoy the extra large print

Richard Wise
So He can, So He did, So He will

Great summation of the Judeo-Christian continuity of God’s revelation from Genesis to the Catechism

salvatore spadaccino

Jesus is Risen: A Complete Introduction to Death and Resurrection in the Old and New Testament

David W. Warner
5 star

Jesus is Risen: A Complete Introduction to Death and Resurrection in the Old and New Testament

Sally Wilkins
So much information!!

This was fascinating, a great survey.

  • 16 hours 26 min. (17 CDs / MP3)

    In this exciting, fast-moving series, Dr. Steven Smith, author of The Word of the Lord, guides you through the Bible – on a journey from “the reality and sting of death”…towards the Resurrection of Jesus:

    • Explore the meaning of death in ancient Judaism - and how Jewish views were distinct from other ancient cultures. Plunge into the mystery of Sheol – the shadowy “place” of the dead in the OT.
    • Understand “resurrection” as ancient Jews did, and what it did – and did not mean. Review the details of “the Fall” and death of Adam … and what ancient sources said about it. Enter the “Valley of Dry Bones!”
    • Come to grips with “what really happened to Jesus” as Dr. Smith explores many of the vital medical details of Roman crucifixion – and the spectacular trial Jesus underwent on the Cross.
    • Encounter an early text on “Christ’s Descent into Hell” … and what it means for us.
    • Study the Passion and Resurrection narratives from the vantage point of each of the Four Gospels – as well as the letters of St. Paul.
    • Learn to better evangelize and engage in apologetics regarding the Resurrection of Christ.

    As always with Dr. Smith, you can expect to learn a ton about Scripture, its profound truth and deep inner unity. Numerous passages from dozens of books of the Bible are interpreted with Catholic biblical insight. Fresh Insights come forth from the Church fathers, mystics and saints, popes, and world-class theologians, like Jean Cardinal Danielou and N.T. Wright … are all part of the adventure.

  • Yotpo