Hi, and welcome to the 'About Us' page! Since intrinsic to our company's purpose is to be as little 'about us' as possible (see John 3:30), we will try to make this part of the website as short as possble.
We are a company located in the New Orleans area, offering quality services and products in the media and apparel industry, and the best Catholic Biblical study recordings available by some of the most informative, passionate, and faithful speakers in the world.
That's about as concise of a business identitiy that we could come up with, so please check out our site to learn more and let us know if we can help you in any way.
Thank you from the CP crew!
Mission Statement
The mission of Catholic Productions is pretty simple: We want to re-fascinate the world with the message of Jesus Christ. The message that once swept the entire Roman Empire like a beatific plague and infectiously reconfigured people's entire worldviews, morals, and faith in God, has become muddled, softened, minimized, and even assaulted today. We want people to re-cognize that our Catholic Faith has the power to change lives, that it has historical roots that only deepen its mysterious charm and beauty, and that its truth is captivating when presented by those passionately in love with Jesus Christ and well versed in Scripture and the Catholic Church's Tradition, from which Scripture arose. We are here to encourage people to continually deepen and share their faith in Christ - we, here at Catholic Productions, are a means; Christ is the end.
CP Staff
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