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Render Unto God What is God's: American Catholics & Political Responsibility Today

CP 275

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Format options (some titles not available in every format):
  • CD:Physical disc mailed after purchase (audio only)
  • MP3:Digital file that can be downloaded immediately after purchase (audio only)
  • DVD:Physical disc mailed after purchase (Standard Definition video [DVD player needed, though most Blu-ray players play DVD's as well])
  • Blu-ray:Physical disc mailed after purchase (High Definition video [Blu-ray player needed] )
  • Digital Video:Digital file that can be downloaded or streamed immediately after purchase (video)

  • 5 hours 4 min. (5 CDs / MP3) 

    In this timely, five-part series, Dr. Smith deals with the topic of our moral responsibilities as faithful Catholics and our engagement in American society, including political action. Much more than a “Catholic voting guide,” this fast-moving series considers Catholic teaching on salient topics such as abortion, euthanasia, IVF, just war, economics, and more.

    With insights from Sacred Scripture, recent papal texts, and a close look at the teachings of the U.S. Catholic Bishops this series will help to inspire and form a faith-filled conscience in today’s culture.

    • Customer Reviews

      Based on 2 reviews
      James Rome

      Great timing.

      Marguerite Morrissey
      Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist

      I recently bought my third copy - I keep loaning this out and that starts a sharing that seems to never end as more and more want to listen, but the result is
      I have to buy another CD. I'm okay with that. No matter how many times I listen I hear something new and inspiring each time.