Jesus the Bridegroom: Unveiling the Love of Christ in the Passion and the Sacraments
The Gospel of Matthew: The Messiah and the Fulfillment of the Old Testament
Excellent teaching on Jesus last supper
• Who are the Samaritans?
• What's the significance of the woman's 5 husbands?
• What is the "living water" Jesus offers the woman?
$ 8.95
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CP 241
• Who are the Samaritans?
• What's the significance of the woman's 5 husbands?
• What is the "living water" Jesus offers the woman?
1 hour 14 min. (1 CD / 1 DVD / MP3 / Digital Video)
Have you ever felt like there’s no way God could ever love you? Maybe you know people with a very troubled past and a broken life who just can’t believe that Jesus loves them.
In this Bible study, Dr. Brant Pitre goes straight to the heart of the love of Christ by focusing on the powerful story of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well. As he shows, when we read this well-known story through ancient Jewish eyes, all of a sudden we realize that this is not just a story of Jesus’ mercy and forgiveness, but a powerful symbol of God’s love for sinners. In this Bible study you will learn:
• How Women, Wells, and Weddings go together in the Old Testament
• The history behind “Jacob’s Well” and why it is so significant that Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at this spot
• The deeper spiritual meaning of the Samaritan Woman’s 5 Husbands
• How the “Living Water” promised by Jesus is his true wedding gift to his bride, the Church
• How God loves us just the way we are, but too much to let us stay that way
• And lots more
Drawing from his book, Jesus the Bridegroom, Dr. Pitre shows how the story of Jesus and the Woman at the Well is good news that every sinner needs to hear.
"The Woman at the Well and the Love of Christ" is an excellent study that relates the Woman with the bride of Christ and to each one of us. I found the part "the deeper meaning of the Samaritan Woman's 5 husbands" most interesting. I highly recommend this study.
I thought it was excellent because I learned so much. Plus, as usual, Dr. Pitre's presentations are always thorough, just the right amount to time, and he speaks in such a way that most of us can grasp. I'd highly recommend it. Mike
I am very happy with the lecture from Dr. Pitre on the Woman at the Well. DR. Pitre was able to explain and provide the connection to the old testament whichade the passage so much more meaningful to me. I have new levels of understanding and I recommend this talk to all people of faith.
I love the CD format BUT. I have always played and listened to the CDs in my vehicle; meanwhile, you can't even order a new vehicle with a CD player #!!# anymore. Is it possible and not too expensive to send memory sticks vs CD's?
I am not a techie - I did try to download a digital version of the book onto a memory stick myself without any luck. I manage to exhaust the three downloads before I get anything saved. Just a frustration for me.
Just thought I would ask :-) Peace J.c.
On my list of talks to listen to. Just finished, Fire of the Tongue. Excellent.
Jesus the Bridegroom: Unveiling the Love of Christ in the Passion and the Sacraments
The Gospel of Matthew: The Messiah and the Fulfillment of the Old Testament
The Mass Explained + The Mass Readings Explained
Excellent teaching on Jesus last supper
Faith and Works according to Paul and James
Jesus the Bridegroom: Unveiling the Love of Christ in the Passion and the Sacraments
The Gospel of Matthew: The Messiah and the Fulfillment of the Old Testament
The Mass Explained + The Mass Readings Explained
Excellent teaching on Jesus last supper
Faith and Works according to Paul and James