Jesus the Bridegroom: Unveiling the Love of Christ in the Passion and the Sacraments
The Gospel of Matthew: The Messiah and the Fulfillment of the Old Testament
Excellent teaching on Jesus last supper
• Is scripture the sole rule of faith ("Sola Scriptura")?
• What does scripture teach about Sacred Tradition?
• Is scripture itself a product of Sacred Tradition?
$ 25.95
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CP 235
• Is scripture the sole rule of faith ("Sola Scriptura")?
• What does scripture teach about Sacred Tradition?
• Is scripture itself a product of Sacred Tradition?
3 hours 15 minutes (4 CDs / MP3)
Protestants believe that the Bible is the "norm that sets all norms and the standard that sets all standards," so that the man of God alone, with the Bible alone (Sola Scriptura), guided by the Holy Spirit alone is all one needs as a rule of Faith. Most Catholic apologetic works focus on showing why Sola Scriptura is unbiblical, unhistorical, and unworkable. But in this four session course set, Gary Michuta takes a different route by showing that Sola Scriptura is not only unbiblical, but that it ultimately undermines the integrity of Scripture itself. In other words, Sola Scriptura undermines the Scriptura. Some of the numerous topics discussed in this set are:
• What are the key proof texts that Protestants use to establish "Sola Scriptura" and why these texts either fail to prove the case or actually support the Catholic Church's teaching on Sacred Tradition
• Why the Beroeans in Acts 17:11 weren't practicing Sola Scriptura and why Christians cannot follow their example
• Where Scripture teaches that Sacred Tradition is the norm for understanding what the Scripture truly means
• How one can know whether Sacred Tradition accurately reflects what Christ and His inspired Apostles handed on to the Church
• and many more...
Join noted author and speaker Gary Michuta as he explains why it is necessary for all Christians to hold Sacred Tradition, both written and unwritten, and how Catholics can share these ideas with their Protestant friends, family members, and neighbors.
I love this lecture series. Wish he did more on other common objections to Catholic faith.
Great explanation of Catholic Tradition in view of Sola Scriptura.
This is the second set in the series Defending the Faith, and its focus is on tradition and sola scriptura. Gary Michuta provides robust reasoning and keen understanding, that will help any catholic navigate any objection regarding this topics. I specially liked the last part in which we makes the practical exercise in how tradition works. I think that this is a powerful example that once you learn how to use it will give you a big advantage in explaining how important this topic is and why catholicism really matters.
Excellent book, worthy to be on every Catholic's bookshelf.
Jesus the Bridegroom: Unveiling the Love of Christ in the Passion and the Sacraments
The Gospel of Matthew: The Messiah and the Fulfillment of the Old Testament
The Mass Explained + The Mass Readings Explained
Excellent teaching on Jesus last supper
Faith and Works according to Paul and James
Jesus the Bridegroom: Unveiling the Love of Christ in the Passion and the Sacraments
The Gospel of Matthew: The Messiah and the Fulfillment of the Old Testament
The Mass Explained + The Mass Readings Explained
Excellent teaching on Jesus last supper
Faith and Works according to Paul and James