Jesus the Bridegroom: Unveiling the Love of Christ in the Passion and the Sacraments
The Gospel of Matthew: The Messiah and the Fulfillment of the Old Testament
Excellent teaching on Jesus last supper
• What daily steps can you use to develop your spiritual life?
• How is our spiritual life analogous to our physical life?
• What insights does St. Josemaria Escriva offer lay people?
$ 8.95
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CP 239
• What daily steps can you use to develop your spiritual life?
• How is our spiritual life analogous to our physical life?
• What insights does St. Josemaria Escriva offer lay people?
1 hr 10 min (1 CD / MP3)
What does it take to be effective in the Catholic life? Is it enough to go to Mass once a week and confession once a year? Or should lay Catholics be trying to pray the whole Liturgy of the Hours every day? What practices can help a regular Catholic grow without being unrealistic?
St. Josemara Escriva, the "saint of the ordinary," thought a great deal about how lay Catholics should arrange their daily schedule. In this talk, Dr. Bergsma, who follows the spirituality of St. Josemaria, explains seven daily habits of prayer the saint recommended for lay Catholics who want to become spiritually effective.
I can be attracted to and take on too many different devotions and prayers and books and video series and and and….. Pretty soon, it all loses its flavor. Dr. Bergsma’s ‘seven’ were perfect. I’ve jettisoned a lot of GOOD devotions, but by focusing on far fewer, everything comes alive again.
Awesome talk
Part of me wishes I had found it sooner, but I trust that it came at the right time. Can't recommend it highly enough.
I’m so amazed by how rich of knowledge I found on the subscription & purchased items here. Highly recommended for anyone who on the journey to God’s kingdom!!!
A veritable feast of the Bible and pure Catholicism.
Jesus the Bridegroom: Unveiling the Love of Christ in the Passion and the Sacraments
The Gospel of Matthew: The Messiah and the Fulfillment of the Old Testament
The Mass Explained + The Mass Readings Explained
Excellent teaching on Jesus last supper
Faith and Works according to Paul and James
Jesus the Bridegroom: Unveiling the Love of Christ in the Passion and the Sacraments
The Gospel of Matthew: The Messiah and the Fulfillment of the Old Testament
The Mass Explained + The Mass Readings Explained
Excellent teaching on Jesus last supper
Faith and Works according to Paul and James