Gary Michuta has his own style of delivering and expounding on the life, mysteries and theological significance of Our Virgin Mother. He carefully and meticulously connects Mary with Eve, in a way I have not seen before. The parallels become clearer and dispel all doubt about Mary being the New Eve. Moreover, the doctrine of co-redemptrix has been thoroughly unpacked in this study. It doesn’t matter what your stance regarding Mary is. By the end of these lectures, you will have a deeper understanding and appreciation on Mary and her role in the life, ministry and passion of Jesus. You will be compelled to honor her, the Mother of the Messiah, the Queen Mother, the Mother of God, now our Mother, as we should. Mary and Jesus’ lives are so intertwined that whatever happened to Jesus, happened to Mary as well. Thank you Mr. Gary Michuta. My favorite and profound realization because of your lecture is: when Mary sees us, she actually see’s Jesus. "Woman, this is your son. Son, this is your Mother."